Patient composition is the soul of E. Agopian’s art, and composition in her work is wholly intuitive. It is discovered, made up, in the successive acts of painting from brushmark to shape to form, the process is not predicated by an end in view. Rather is followed, lived through with utmost sensitivity. Hers is not an art of deduction nor of trial and error, but of judicious feeling.
The rightness of her images is the fruit of her openness to the multiple possibilities that a painting in progress offers. The brush mark is weighted with the same consideration as the color shape or the emergent overall structure. Hence , these images should not be read hierarchically, there is no order of precedence between part and whole. The facture and structure of the individual paintings are in continual echo, in mutual dependence.
The sensitive approach to composition refines the sensual attraction of her works. But most important, it enriches their emotive substance. What might have been loud and emotional exclamations are transformed by pure intuition into grave and eloquent statements. At their best, the works of E. Agopian bear witness to a passionate and distinguished sensibility.
Nagib Nahas
Philadelphia, Pa 1/18/95
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